Converting factors for diagnostic parameters

In our lab reports the test results as well as the norm values are listed in internationally valid SI - units. When assessing follow - up test results you possibly want to compare different values by using identical measuring units. Conversion factors for those parameters for which we have adapted the measuring unit are listed below.

To convert from one measuring unit to the other the measured value must be multiplied with the corresponding conversion factor (i. e. bilirubin in mg/dl x 17.104 = bilirubin in µmol/l).

Clinical-chemical parameter:

select parameter:

Enter values:
old unit: new unit:

Blood parameter:



*Calculation without guarantee.

Converting factors for diagnostic parameters

Clinical-chemical parameter:
nameold unitconversion factor to SI unitSIconversion factor to old unit
Bilirubin mg/dl 17,1040 µmol/l 0,0585
Cholesterol mg/dl 0,0259 mmol/l 38,6100
Total protein g/dl 10,0000 g/l 0,1000
Albumin g/dl 144,9000 µmol/l 0,0069
Fibrinogen mg/dl 0,0100 g/l 100,0000
Glucose mg/dl 0,0555 mmol/l 18,0180
Urea mg/dl 0,1665 mmol/l 6,0060
Urea-nitrogen(BUN) mg/dl 0,3561 mmol/l 2,8082
Uric acid mg/dl 59,4800 µmol/l 0,0168
Creatinine mg/dl 88,4020 µmol/l 0,0113
Lactate mg/dl 0,1110 mmol/l 9,0090
Triglyceride mg/dl 0,0114 mmol/l 87,7193
Magnesium mg/dl 0,4113 mmol/l 2,4313
Potassium mg/dl 0,2557 mmol/l 3,9108
Sodium mg/dl 0,4350 mmol/l 2,2989
Calcium mg/dl 0,2495 mmol/l 4,0080
Chloride mg/dl 0,2821 mmol/l 3,5448
Iron µg/dl 0,1791 µmol/l 5,5835
Copper µg/dl 0,1574 µmol/l 6,3532
Phosphorus mg/dl 0,3229 mmol/l 3,0969
Zink µg/dl 0,1530 µmol/l 6,5359
Selenium µg/l 0,0127 µmol/l 78,7402
Aluminium umol/L 26,9500 ug/L 0,0371
Arsenic umol/L 75,2000 ug/L 0,0133
Cadmium umol/L 0,1120 ug/L 8,9286
Chromium umol/L 0,0520 ug/L 19,2308
Ethanol mmol/L 0,0046 g/dL 217,3913
Oxygen (PO2) kPa 7,5200 mmHg 0,1330
Valproate umol/L 0,1440 mg/L 6,9444

Blood parameter:
nameold unitconversion factor to SI unitSIconversion factor to old unit
Erythrocytes Mio/µl 1,0000 T/l (= 1012/l) 1,0000
Hematocrit % 0,0100 l/l 100,0000
Hemoglobin g/dl 10,0000 g/l 0,1000
Leucocytes 1/µl 0,0010 G/l (= 109/l) 1 000,0000
Platelets 1/µl 0,0010 G/l (= 109/l) 1 000,0000

nameold unitconversion factor to SI unitSIconversion factor to old unit
Cortisol ng/ml 2,7600 nmol/l 0,3623
17-beta-Oestradiol pg/ml 3,6710 pmol/l 0,2724
Progesteron ng/ml 3,1800 nmol/l 0,3145
Testosteron ng/ml 3,4670 nmol/l 0,2884
total Thyroxine µg/dl 12,8500 nmol/l 0,0778
fT3 pg/ml 1,5360 pmol/l 0,6510
FT4 ng/dl 12,9100 pmol/l 0,0775
B12 pg/ml 0,7400 pmol/l 1,3514
Folic acid ng/ml 2,2700 nmol/l 0,4405
ACTH pmol 4,5400 pg/mL 0,2203
Adrenaline nmol/L 0,1830 ug/L 5,4645
Aldosterone pmol/L 0,0360 ng/dL 27,7778
Androstenedione nmol/L 28,6500 ng/dL 0,0349
C-peptide nmol/L 3,0300 ug/L 0,3300
Insulin pmol/L 0,1440 mU/L 6,9444
Noradrenaline nmol/L 0,1690 ug/L 5,9172

nameold unitconversion factor to SI unitSIconversion factor to old unit
Carbamazepine umol/L 0,2360 mg/L 4,2373
Cyclosporin nmol/L 1,2000 ug/L 0,8333
Digoxin nmol/L 0,7810 ug/L 1,2804
Gentamicin umol/L 0,4780 mg/L 2,0921
Netilmicin umol/L 0,4760 mg/L 2,1008
Paracetamol umol/L 0,1510 mg/L 6,6225
Phenytoin umol/L 0,2500 mg/L 4,0000
Salicylate umol/L 138,0000 mg/L 0,0072
Theophylline umol/L 0,1800 mg/L 5,5556
Tobramycin umol/L 0,4670 mg/L 2,1413